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  1. WebRTC (a customer channel enabling audio, video, screen-share, and co-browse capabilities.)

    1. Setup EFSwitch for WebRTC

    2. Setup web-phone for Cisco contact center agents

  2. CX-Voice (purely contact center voice enabled out of the box by CX)

    1. EFSwitch Deployment Guide

    2. Configurations of EFSwitch for CX-Voice

CX-Voice is a customer channel for voice, video and WebRTC. Expertflow CX allows inbound and outbound calls to via SIP and WebRTC. Users can make inbound calls to the contact center where the caller may be served by an IVR or a Conversational IVR. A call may be routed to the right agent via CX-Routing.

An agent may also make a manual outbound call to a customer number. The caller’s and agent activities on a call including IVR activities, conversation data, and channel data are stored in CX-Activities under a customer Room.

CX-Voice is under active development. See CX-Voice limitations to see open issues.

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