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CX-Voice Features

Following are the CX-Voice supported features. For limitations see CX-Voice limitations

Inbound Agent Reservation

  • Receive call information from EfSwitch.

  • Reserve agent information from CX against call information.

  • Transfer customer call to agent when agent details are received.

Outbound Agent Reservation

  • Receive call information from EF Dialer.

  • Reserve agent information from CX against call information.

  • Transfer agent details to Dialer(including NO_AGENT_AVAILABLE).

Outbound contact receiving

  • Receive outbound contact information from CX and send to dialer for storage in dialer database

Handle CX communication for Dialer

  • Send Delivery Notifications to CX with call results from Dialer.

  • Send END_CHAT to close session in CX when Dialer faces error(EfSwitch down, database down etc).

  • Send recording link to CX when dialer sends information on call-ending.

Related Issues

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Unresolved Issues

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