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Updating CIM Environment Variables for CX Voice


  • If the deployed FreeSwitch instance has self-signed certificates, then the certificates should be added manually in the browser using, https://<FreeSwitch-IP>:<PORT, before trying to log in and connect to FreeSwitch.

To update the CIM env variables for CX Voice Configuration,

  • On the CIM deployment machine navigate to the following path, 

    cd <cim-install-dir>/kubernetes/cim/ConfigMaps/ef-unified-agent-configmap.yaml
  • Update the following config to true in case the Free Switch environment is enabled. if the MRD associated with the CISCO_CC channel type is changed it must be updated in the configs as well.

        "isCxVoiceEnabled":"<boolean>", // to be set to `true`, if system is being used with the freeswitch 
  • Update the following Sip.js config variables added in the unified-agent config map,

    "SIP_SOCKET_URL": "<Free-switch Socket URL>",
    "SIP_URI": "<FreeSwitch Domain/IP>",
    "EXT_STATIC": "<Encrypted Static Password Set For Free Switch Extensions>",
    "ENABLE_SIP_LOGS": "<SIP_LOGS>" // to be set to true if sip.js logs are required


    • From the CX-4.3 release, the encrypted Extension Password will be required. The credentials need to be shared with the CX team and they will provide the encrypted values to be added to the deployment.
  • For CX4.3 and onwards the following configs are added to the unified-agent config map,

    "STATIC_QUEUE_TRANSFER_DN": "<Static DN to transfer Queue Calls>", // pre-configured DN on EF-Switch
    "AUTO_CALL_ANSWER_TIMER": "<Timer to Auto Accept the Outbound Call>" // in seconds
    • The minimum value for AUTO_CALL_ANSWER_TIMER should be 2 seconds.  
  • If the MRD associated with the CX_VOICE channel type is changed it must be updated in the following env variable.

    "CX_VOICE_MRD":"<MRD associated with CX_VOICE channel type>"
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