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Patch Release Notes 4.6.1

Release Name




Release ready Date

Release Date

Release Summary

  • Update Form Data Submission

  • Add FormID in Survey Distribution

  • Bug Fixes

Upgrade Guide

CX4.6 to CX4.6.1

New in CX4.6.1

This release contains the following new features along with some critical bug fixes.



Update Form Data Submission

The system now includes all available options for each question in the answer array. Each option includes an additional property to indicate whether the option was chosen. This is changed to facilitate reports.

Add FormID in Survey Distribution

The Form ID of the survey form is added to the survey to facilitate reports.

Bugs Fixed in this release



Channel Session key was not removed after the conversation closure

This issue has been fixed now. The key has now been renamed which will be removed once the channel session ends. For details see (CIM-27026)

Topic key remained in Redis after the conversation closure

This issue has been fixed now. The data was previously incorrectly inserted against the topic key from the Conversation Monitor, which has now been removed. No key with the identifier topic:<channelSessionId> will be stored in Redis anymore. There will only be a single key with the identifier topic:<conversationId> that is stored by the Conversation Manager when a conversation is created and is removed from Redis as soon as the conversation is closed. See the details (CIM-27040)

Supervisor not able to view the Ongoing Conversations Dashboard.

Supervisor is unable to view the Ongoing Conversation Dashboards due to missing some keys in Redis. This resulted in null data being returned for those keys. This subsequently caused errors during conversation to conversation objects.

This has been fixed now by handling the null data exception.

For details, see (CIM-27076)

If any option is not chosen for an optional question then Array (empty) is stored

After Update Forrm Data Submission, if no option is selected in an optional question then all possible options will be pushed with isSelected: false in each option. For more details, see (CIM-27088)

Boolean and 5-star questions, label="" (empty) instead of any text

This has been fixed and now the label is being pushed in the case of Boolean and 5-Star Questions, if the label is added at the time of form creation, the value of the option will be pushed as a label. For more details see (CIM-27078)

Release Test Highlights

Tested Features

  • Update form data submission to Include all options with selection status.

  • Remove channel session key from Redis after conversation closure

  • Remove topic key from Redis after conversation closure

  • Remove the tracker key from Redis

Planned Epics

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Planned Bugs

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Issues Opened in this release

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