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Bot Training Data

Lowest Confidence Score: 0.379200462

Average Confidence Score: 0.5628745366

UtteranceConfidence ScoreResponse

customer_hi -> respond_hi

"Hello {name} How are you today?"

Hello, this is Peter67.74%
Hi there, I am Gold Smith67.67%
hello i am rahul78.59%
hello I am Andreas79.78%
Hi, this is Andreas Stuber66.08%
Andreas here75.72%
Good morning70.08%
Morning, this is Jawad66.95%
offer_help -> respond_offer_help

I'm good, thank you57.41%

"How may I help you, {name}?"

Great, thanks75.70%
I am fine, thanks62.33%
Good, thanks for asking52.00%
I'm ok55.46%
All is well, thanks52.04%
I'm fine, thank you55.47%
card_issue_general -> respond_card_issue_general

I think there might be a problem with my mileseverywhere card49.99%

"I'm sorry to hear that, what seems to be the problem?"

There's something wrong with my mileseverywhere card52.34%
It seems to be a mistake with my mileseverywhere card52.66%
My mileseverywhere card isn't working59.62%
I think my mileseverywhere card is not working51.14%
I am not able make my mileseverywhere card to work50.49%
Hello, I needed some information.

available_miles_enquiry -> respond_available_miles_enquiry

I need to confirm my available miles on card number 8538 8120 0231 239858.06%

"The card registered to *name* ending with **** has 0 miles on it"

What are the available miles on my card number 1231 2323 2323 534367.99%
How many miles on my card? The number is 5434 3432 3433 333355.40%
I need to know the miles credit on my card number 4344 3432 4345 235260.31%
The card number is 3234 4534 3434 000064.93%
its 3243 4343 4344 434353.23%

zero_miles_situation -> respond_zero_miles_situation

That can't be possible. I made a deposit last month.42.59%

"Miles will be added to "Mileseverywhere" credit card on the following month (of the deposit date**)"

That's not right, I deposited last month41.54%
I'm sure I made a deposit last month, that's not possible39.99%
How come? I made a deposit a month ago41.91%

number_of_miles_enquiry -> respond_number_of_miles_enquiry

Ok, then how many miles will I have when they are added?46.52%

"Your average monthly balance will be translated into......."

I see. What will my miles credit be then?46.54%
Ok, how many miles am I getting for 7500 Pounds?46.75%
Alright. 7500 Pounds will give me how many miles?55.53%

international_spend_limit -> respond_international_speed_limit

What's my spending limit in Lebanon?48.72%

"To review "Mileseverywhere" Credit Cards international spend limits​, ....​​​​​​​​​​​​"

The card has a spending limit?45.32%
What's the card's spending limit abroad?44.92%
How much am I allowed to spend in Lebanon?42.87%

human -> respond_international_deposit

Can I make transfersor deposits to the card in USD during my stay in Lebanon?54.44%

"Please hold while I transfer you to a human agent."

Can I deposit USD to the card?59.30%
What currencies can I deposit to the card other than EGP?54.51%

access_to_airport_lounge -> respond_access_to_airport_lounge

Ok, thank you. Do I have access to the airport lounge?37.92%

"MasterCard Lounges are available in the following airports: Cairo (Egypt), Dubai and Abu Dhabi (UAE), Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), Amman (Jordan) and Kuwait.​​**"

does this include access to the airport lounge?53.13%
Does it come with access to the airport lounge?44.69%
Will I also be able to access the airport lounge?43.75%

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