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RKE2 Deployment in High Availability With Nginx/HAProxy


The purpose of this document is to describe steps to deploy the RKE2 Kubernetes Distribution in High Availability with Nginx/HAProxy.


The prerequisites and cluster topologies are describe in the RKE2 High Availability Pre-Deployment & Installation Guide. Please review the document before proceeding with installation in High Availability mode.

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Preparing for Deployment

Decide what level of Availability is needed and prepare your nodes according to the below given structure for the solution

CIM Prerequisites 

Load-Balancer Node

A Load Balancer Node is required to sit at the top of the cluster, which will be used for routing and Load-Balancing the traffic to the appropriate node (Control-Plane traffic for cluster administration and HTTP/HTTPS for Service Availability)

Load-Balancer Node can be:

  1. Nginx reverse Proxy
  2. HAproxy
  3. Existing Load-Balancer can also be used 

TypeRAM (GB) CPUDISKScalability Network  PortsMinimum Nodes
Load-Balancer4-84100 GiB Single-Node6443, 9345,80,443 to all CP/Worker Nodes nodes1

Load Balancer without HA is single point of failure in the cluster setup and customers are required to setup either of above in a failover cluster.

RKE2 Cluster Topologies

A production cluster can be run with a mixture of workload options.

  1. For a lighter loaded cluster Control-Plane Nodes can also be part of the work-load along with their Worker nodes
  2. For a highly busy workload, it is recommended to off-load the Control-Plane Nodes from the work load so that Control-Plane nodes are not effected by the heavy usage of the cluster resources and only use Worker nodes for processing the business logic.

Control-Plane Nodes (without Workload)

TypeRAM (GB) CPUDISKScalability Network  PortsMinimum Nodes in HA
RKE244150GiB (preferred on /var with SSD/NVMe Disks)high
  • 6443/TCP to be accessible by all nodes
  • 8472/UDP for CNI
  • 10250/TCP for metrics-server
  • 2379-2380/TCP for Cluster HA 

If workload is enabled for Control-Plane Nodes, please enhance these figures to maximum available like 16GiB RAM, 8 vCPUS and 250 GIB of storage.

Worker Nodes

Worker nodes requirements are more energetic to entertain the workload.

TypeRAM (GB) CPUDISKScalability Network  PortsMinimum Nodes in HA
RKE2168250GiB ( preferred on /var with SSD/NVMe Disks)high
  • 6443/TCP to be accessible by all nodes
  • 8472/UDP for CNI
  • 10250/TCP for metrics-server
  • 2379-2380/TCP for Cluster HA 

RASA-X Prerequisites

In a Multi-node cluster, Rasa-X can be deployed in different tiers:

  1. In a multi-node HA cluster, add another node and deploy the Rasa-X using Node-Affinity in such a way that allocates 1 worker node to RASA-X only. This method is preferred in a HA cluster. Read more at Node Affinity and Node Selector.
  2. However, if this is not a do-able option, RKE2 for Single-Node deployment should be used for standalone RASA-X and then configure the CIM accordingly.
TypeRAM (GB) CPUDISKScalability Network  PortsMinimum Nodes in HA
RKE2128250GiB ( preferred on /var with SSD/NVMe Disks)high
  • 6443/TCP to be accessible by all nodes
  • 8472/UDP for CNI
  • 10250/TCP for metrics-server
  • 2379-2380/TCP for Cluster HA 

Superset Prerequisites

For BI Reporting, Superset must be deployed separately from the main CIM Solution.

In a Multi-node cluster, Superset can be deployed in different tiers

  1. In a multi-node HA cluster, add another node and deploy the Superset using Node-Affinity in such a way that allocates 1 worker node specifically to superset only. This method is preferred in a HA cluster. Read Node Affinity and Node Selector
  2. However, if this is not a do-able option, RKE2 for Single Node Deployment should be used for standalone Superset and then configure the CIM accordingly.
TypeRAM (GB) CPUDISKScalability Network  PortsMinimum Nodes in HA
RKE288250GiB ( preferred on /var with SSD/NVMe Disks)high
  • 6443/TCP to be accessible by all nodes
  • 8472/UDP for CNI
  • 10250/TCP for metrics-server
  • 2379-2380/TCP for Cluster HA 

1 RKE2 detailed requirements are also available at this.

2 Kubernetes detailed requirements can be seen here.

This deployment model requires that your connection to the system is stable and consistent. You can use any virtual terminal like 'screen' or 'tmux' which gives you the ability to resume your session even if the network gets disconnected.


An FQDN must be mapped to an IP address


If you are running iptables in nftables mode instead of legacy you might encounter issues. We recommend utilizing newer iptables (such as 1.6.1+) to avoid issues.

Additionally, versions 1.8.0-1.8.4 have known issues that can cause RKE2 to fail. See Additional OS Preparations for workarounds.

Prepare all the Nodes in the cluster

Disable Services

Disable firewall and nm-cloud-setup on all nodes.

Environment Preparation

Before starting with RKE2 installation, following are the optional steps and the checklist to make sure that environment is prepared for the installation:

Linux-Based OS Instructions

RHEL and Debian/Ubuntu Commands

We must run the following commands for RHEL OS before starting the installation of K3S.

Step1: Disable firewall and nm-cloud-setup service on RHEL and Ubuntu

systemctl disable apparmor.service
systemctl disable firewalld.service
systemctl stop apparmor.service
systemctl stop firewalld.service

Step 2: Lock the RedHat Release to version 8.7 only MANDATORY

To lock the release of RHEL to 8.7, which is the latest supported release by Longhorn, please execute these commands:

subscription-manager release --set=8.4 ;
yum clean all;
subscription-manager release --show;
rm -rf /var/cache/dnf

Step 3: Disable Swap 

For RHEL and Ubuntu both:

systemctl disable
swapoff -a

Step 4: Update the RHEL package for 8.7 release

yum update -y


Before proceeding with the deployment of HA cluster for RKE2, go through the checklist:

  • Internet Access is available for all the nodes. 1
Internet access will be needed for all the nodes to fetch and run K3s
  • Minimum Number of Nodes
3 Control-Plane Nodes + 2 Worker Nodes( For High Availability  ) 
  • All Nodes running verified OS Release
RHEL-8.7 or Ubuntu-20.04
  • Firewall Service on all nodes is disabled
Firewall and nm-cloud-setup must be disabled
  • In case of RHEL, Release is fixed to 8.7
RHEL-8.7 is only supported
  • Virtual IP obtained
IP from the same range of CP nodes is needed for VIP fail-over 
  • If Longhorn is to be deployed, iscsid.service is enabled and started

( check with systemctl status iscsid.service and confirm its enabled ). On All Nodes.2

iscsid.service must be running before deploying longhorn Storage Manager
  • If NTP is available ( preferred ) 
NTP should be enabled for all nodes 
  • POD + services IP range decided
POD + Services IP Range must not co-exist with already existing IP Range
  • All nodes in cluster have same identical network interface names  
Kube-VIP needs consistent interface names across all the control-plane nodes to fail-over. (  ip addr | grep -E ':\s.*?:' | cut -d ":" -f 2 | tr -d " "  ) can be used to list interfaces
  1. Air-Gapped deployment is also possible, check RKE2 web-site for more details at Air-Gapped install of K3s
  2.  if any of the nodes is not running iscsid.service, the stateful workload will fail and may result in data loss .

Corporate HTTP/S Proxy Requirement

If the environment has strict HTTP or HTTPS proxy set, we must exclude the environment from the proxy controls. 

The NO_PROXY variable must include your  cluster pod and service IP ranges.


If you want to configure the proxy settings for container without affecting K3s and the Kubelet, you can prefix the variables with CONTAINERD_:


Customize the RKE2 Deployment for your Environment EXTRA OPTION

Environment Customization Steps

Click here to see customization steps.....

Below given options can also be used for customized environment setup:

Default Deployment Directory of K3s--data-dir value, -d value/var/lib/rancher/rke2Folder to hold state
Default POD IP Assignment Range
--cluster-cidr value
""IPv4/IPv6 network CIDRs to use for pod IPs
Default Service IP Assignment Range--service-cidr value""IPv4/IPv6 network CIDRs to use for service IPs

If any of the above option is required, add it in the next step.

cluster-cidr and service-cidr are independently evaluated. Decide wisely well before the the cluster deployment. This option is not configurable once the cluster is deployed and workload is running.

Installation Steps

Step 1: Load Balancer Deployment

1. Set up the Load Balancer

You will also need to set up a load balancer to direct traffic to the Expertflow CX replica on all nodes. That will prevent an outage of any single node from taking down communications to the Expertflow CX management server.

When Kubernetes gets set up in a later step, the RKE2 tool will deploy an Nginx Ingress controller. This controller will listen on ports 80 and 443 of the worker nodes, answering traffic destined for specific hostnames.

For your implementation, consider if you want or need to use a Layer-4 or Layer-7 load balancer:

  • A layer-4 load balancer is the simpler of the two choices, in which you are forwarding TCP traffic to your nodes. We recommend configuring your load balancer as a Layer 4 balancer, forwarding traffic to ports TCP/80 and TCP/443 to the ef_cx management cluster nodes. The Ingress controller on the cluster will redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS and terminate SSL/TLS on port TCP/443. The Ingress controller will forward traffic to port TCP/80 to the Ingress pod in the ef_cx deployment.
  • A layer-7 load balancer is a bit more complicated but can offer features that you may want. For instance, a layer-7 load balancer is capable of handling TLS termination at the load balancer, as opposed to Nginx Ingress doing TLS termination itself. This can be beneficial if you want to centralize your TLS termination in your infrastructure. Layer-7 load balancing also offers the capability for your load balancer to make decisions based on HTTP attributes such as cookies, etc. that a layer-4 load balancer is not able to concern itself with. If you decide to terminate the SSL/TLS traffic on a layer-7 load balancer, you will need to use the --set tls=external option when installing Rancher in a later step. For more information, refer to the Rancher Helm chart options.

Once you have set up your load balancer, you will need to create a DNS record to send traffic to this load balancer.

Depending on your environment, this may be an A record pointing to the load balancer IP, or it may be a CNAME pointing to the load balancer hostname. In either case, make sure this record is the hostname that you intend Cluster to respond on.

Load balancer can be of the following types:

  • Nginx
  • HAProxy
  • Existing Load Balancer

Running Nginx or HA Proxy as load balancer is mandatory to load balance the traffic to the cluster. Below given is a sample configuration for each of these and deployment should be done at the System level instead of docker based deployment

2. Decide which Load Balancer to use and follow appropriate tabs below:

Install Nginx using below given steps:

Nginx Deployment


yum install nginx -y

For ubuntu

apt install nginx -y 

 Rename the existing nginx.conf file and use the one in next step.

sudo mv /etc/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.bak
sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Create a new Nginx file with the below lines replacing where required from next section.

Install HAProxy

Install HAProxy

apt update
apt install -y haproxy
systemctl enable haproxy
systemctl start haproxy
CentOS / RedHat 
yum update
yum install haproxy -y
systemctl enable haproxy
systemctl start haproxy

Edit the haproxy.cfg and update from the appropriate tab below for haproxy configuation ( With SSL termination or without SSL Termination )

vi /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

Use the appropriate configuration below

Use appropriate tab below for your LB configuration.

Step 2: Prepare First Control Plane

1. Run the below commands to create required directories for RKE2 configurations.

mkdir -p /etc/rancher/rke2/
mkdir -p  /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/manifests/

2. Create a deployment manifest called config.yaml for RKE2 Cluster and replace the IP addresses and corresponding FQDNS according.( add any other fields from the Extra Options sections in config.yaml  at this point ) 

cat<<EOF|tee /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml
write-kubeconfig-mode: "0600"
etcd-expose-metrics: true
  - canal


In above mentioned template manifest,

  • is the Load Balancer IP
  • is the Load Balancer FQDN
  • remaining IPs and FQDN are for all 3 Control Planes

Step 3: Ingress-Nginx config for RKE2

1. By default RKE-2 based ingress controller doesn't allow additional snippet information in ingress manifests. Create this config before starting the deployment of RKE2.

cat<<EOF| tee /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/manifests/rke2-ingress-nginx-config.yaml
kind: HelmChartConfig
  name: rke2-ingress-nginx
  namespace: kube-system
  valuesContent: |-
        use-forwarded-headers: "true"
      allowSnippetAnnotations: "true"

Step 4: First Control Plane Deployment

2. Begin the RKE2 Deployment

curl -sfL | INSTALL_RKE2_TYPE=server sh -

3. Start the RKE2 service. Starting the Service will take approx. 10-15 minutes based on the network connection.

systemctl start rke2-server

Step 5: Enable the RKE2 Service

1. Enable RKE2 service.

systemctl enable rke2-server

2. By default RKE2 deploys all the binaries in /var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin path. Add this path to system's default PATH for kubectl utility to work appropriately.

export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin
export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml

3. Also, append these lines into current user's .bashrc  file.

echo "export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin" >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo "export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml"  >> $HOME/.bashrc 

4. Get the token for joining other Control-Plane Nodes.

cat /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/node-token

Step 6: Remaining Control-Plane Nodes

Perform the following steps on remaining control-plane nodes.

1. Create required directories for RKE2 configurations.

mkdir -p /etc/rancher/rke2/
mkdir -p  /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/manifests/

2. Create a deployment manifest called config.yaml  for RKE2 Cluster  and replace the IP addresses and corresponding FQDNS according.( add any other fields from the Extra Options sections in config.yaml  at this point ) 

cat<<EOF|tee /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml
token: [token from /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/node-token on server node 1]
write-kubeconfig-mode: "0644" tls-san:
write-kubeconfig-mode: "0644"
etcd-expose-metrics: true
  - canal


In above mentioned template manifest,

  • is the Load Balancer IP
  • is the Load Balancer FQDN
  • remaining IPs and FQDN are for all 3 Control Planes

Ingress-Nginx config for RKE2

By default RKE-2 based ingress controller doesn't allow additional  snippet information in ingress manifests. Create this config before starting the deployment of RKE2.

cat<<EOF| tee /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/manifests/rke2-ingress-nginx-config.yaml
kind: HelmChartConfig
  name: rke2-ingress-nginx
  namespace: kube-system
  valuesContent: |-
        use-forwarded-headers: "true"
      allowSnippetAnnotations: "true"

Step 7: Begin the deployment on all other Control-Plane Nodes

1. Begin the RKE2 Deployment

curl -sfL | INSTALL_RKE2_TYPE=server sh -

2. Start the RKE2 service. Starting the Service will take approx. 10-15 minutes based on the network connection

systemctl start rke2-server

3. Enable the RKE2 Service

systemctl enable rke2-server

4. By default RKE2 deploys all the binaries in /var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin  path.  Add this path to system's default PATH for kubectl utility to work appropriately

export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin
export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml

5. Also append these lines into current user's .bashrc  file

echo "export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin" >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo "export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml"  >> $HOME/.bashrc 

Step 8: Deploy Worker Nodes

1. Repeat these steps for all worker nodes. Create the rke2 directory

mkdir -p /etc/rancher/rke2/

 2. Create the config.yaml  

cat<<EOF|tee /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml
token: [token from /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/node-token on server node 1]
write-kubeconfig-mode: \"0644\"


3. Initiate the deployment of RKE2

curl -sfL | INSTALL_RKE2_TYPE=agent sh -

4. Start the RKE2 Agent Service

systemctl start rke2-agent.service

5. Enable the RKE2 Agent Service to start at the boot time

systemctl enable  rke2-agent.service

Step 9: Bash Completion for kubectl (Control Plane Nodes only) 

1. Install bash-completion package

yum install bash-completion -y

2. Setup autocomplete in bash into the current shell, bash-completion  package should be installed first.

source <(kubectl completion bash) 
echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" >> ~/.bashrc 

3. Also, add alias for short notation of kubectl

echo "alias k=kubectl"  >> ~/.bashrc 
echo "complete -o default -F __start_kubectl k"  >> ~/.bashrc 

4. Source your ~/.bashrc  

source ~/.bashrc

Step 10: Install Helm

1. Helm is a nifty tool to deploy external components. To install helm on cluster, execute the following command.

curl -fsSL|bash

2. Enable bash completion for Helm

helm completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/helm

3. and relogin to enable the bash completion  or do `su - ` if running as `root ` user

4. List the cluster nodes' details. You can get the details of all nodes using the following command:

kubectl get nodes -o wide

You may install helm on only one of any master nodes.

5. List the cluster nodes' details. You can get the details of all nodes through the following command:

kubectl get nodes -o wide 


RKE2 Kubernetes requires that at least 1 of the storage-class is available for storing data on the cluster, This is a mandatory step and requires the operator to decide well before deploying the production workload. Details provided are self-explanatory and should be considered according to the cluster usage.

Longhorn for Replicated Storage

Longhorn deployment is available at Longhorn Deployment Guide. This deployment model is for lighter scale cluster workloads and should be used with cautions that longhorn will require additional hardware specs for a production cluster. If this is only option, consider deploying the Longhorn on dedicated only in the cluster using node-affinity.

OpenEBS for Local Storage

Deploying OpenEBS enables localhost storage as target devices and can only be used in below given scenarios. 

  • Deployment of StatefulSets using nodeSelectors. In this deployment model, each statefulset is confined to a particular node so that it always be running on the same node. However, this inverses the High Availability of the statefulset services in such a way that when 1 worker node goes down, all services will not be available until the node recovers.
  • Deploy StatefulSets in High-level replication and use local disks on each node. this deployment model gives the flexibility of having at least 3 nodes available with completes services.

Details on OpenEBS can be read here.

Expertflow CX Deployment on Kubernetes

Please follow the steps in the document, Expertflow CX Deployment on Kubernetes to deploy Expertflow CX Solution.

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