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Web Chat Admin Guide

Web-init Widget with a pre-chat form is developed by Expertflow as a sample implementation of the web channel. Web chat administrator  can easily deploy/host a web-init widget by following the steps.

Deployment of  Web Channel

Customers can start the chat by using the web-init widget. Businesses can customize the widget as per their requirement.

The Web-init Widget can be embedded on the client site with GTM (Google Tag Manager) or without GTM. See the following section to know how to embed and customize the widget.

With Google Tag Manager

Customer Identification by using GA (Google Analytics)

When the web-widget is deployed via Google Tag Manager, the customer is identified by a unique customer identifier (fetched from the browser cookie). The system fetches GA Unique ID from the browser cookie as a customer channel identifier. GA Unique ID can only be available if a Google Analytics account is integrated. To identify customer via Google Analytics, see Web-init Deployment Guide -> Customer Identification via GA.

Embed within the Website:

Customer Identification by Web Channel Identifier

When the web-widget is embedded within the customer's website, the customer is identified by the web channel identifier attribute called 'Web'  If and when the customer initiates the chat from the same identity, the system will identify and link the chat with that conversation.

Quick Links

Web Chat Configurations by Administration

The business administrators can make the following configurations as per their requirement.

Send Emoji

To enable/disable Emojis < Unified Admin > Web Widget  -> Edit Web Widget Settings  -> Activate Enable Emoji -> Save

Send Emoji

Enable File Transfer

To enable file attachments  < Unified Admin > Web Widget -> Edit Web Widget Settings -> Activate Enable File Transfer -> Save

Enable File Transfer

Deactivate Enable Font Resize

To fix font to a specific size < Unified Admin> Web Widget -> Edit Web Widget Settings  ->  Deactivate Enable Font Resize -> Save

Deactivate Enable Font Resize

To convert simple text into URL < Unified Admin  -> Web Widget  -> Edit Web Channel Settings  -> Enable Dynamic Link -> Save


Enable Dynamic Link

Enable Download Chat Transcript

If and when administrators want to give access to this feature to the customers, they can enable or disable it by  < Unified Admin -> Web Widget  -> Edit Web Channel Settings -> Enable Download Transcript -> Save


Enable Download Chat Transcript

Configure Customer Reconnect Time


To reset the configuration < Unified Admin ->Channel Manager -> Channel -> Edit Web Channel Settings  -> Customer Activity Timeout (sec)  -> Save

Customer Reconnect Time

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