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Patch Release CX4.4.8

Release Name

CX 4.4.8



Release Date

Release Summary

  • Conversation Disposition Calculation Fix

  • Agent Getting More Chats than Max Limit

Upgrade Guide

Upgrade guide 4.4.7 to 4.4.8

Hot Fix in CX4.4.8



Flush the Queue Task

This is an API implementation that allows to clear tasks of a specific customer instead of the complete queue on calling Queue Flush API.

New in CX4.4.8

Historical Reports Enhancements

  • The task state & reason code fields have been added to the conversation table in the Database Schema.

  • The conversation disposition calculation has been fixed now. Before CX4.4.8, some conversations' disposition was marked BOT_HANDLED even if the agent was part of the conversation and some conversations' disposition was NULL in the report.

  • Batch processing added for the conversation participants' jobs. This optimization will improve processing efficiency by breaking down data extraction into manageable batches, resulting in faster execution and reduced resource utilization.

Historical Reports Manager

A new API has been launched for getting the list of conversation participants. Reporting Connector will use this API for batch processing to move data from Mongo to SQL.

Agent MRD Maximum Limit

The issue has been resolved now and agents will not be assigned more chats than the maximum limit set in the Unified-Admin. Prior to this release, agents were able to get more chats than the maximum limit

Release Limitations

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Release Test Highlights

Tested Features

  • Reporting - MysqlHistorical Reports.

  • Reporting - Task State and Reason Code fields are tested in the Conversation Detail Report.

  • Reporting - Mysql update script.

  • Reporting - Conversation disposition calculation.

  • Reporting - Historical Reports Manager

  • Routing - Max Chat Limit

  • Comprehensive security scan has been conducted using Zap.

  • Upgrade from CX4.4.7 to CX4.4.8

Un-Tested Features

  • Formal load test cycle has not been performed hence no load test reports are available

  • CX4.4.8 hasn’t been deployed on a fresh machine.

Planned Epics

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Planned Features and Stories

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Planned Bugs

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Issues Opened in this release

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