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CX Control Plane HA Deployment

Control Plane HA is a complete high availability Kubernetes cluster. This deployment requires three Control Plane nodes and two or more Worker nodes.

Suitable when

  • Three sites are available for the cluster deployment. In addition to a primary and a secondary site, a third site for Control Plane is required to complete the quorum.

  • Site level redundancy is needed.


  • Provide a cloud-native storage such as NFS, VSAN, or any CNCF certified cloud-native storage accessible at both sites. Though, CX may be deployed on a Kubernetes cluster where the underlying storage is not a cloud-native storage.


  • Out of three control plane nodes, at least two nodes must always be up and connected for the cluster to function.

Deployment Prerequisites

  • At least three nodes (typically virtual machines) - one for Control Plane and two or more for worker nodes.

  • Full network connectivity between all node

Network topology

For load balancing of control planes, consider any of the following three options.

External Load Balancer (ELB)

A Load balancer is used for routing the traffic to the Kubernetes cluster. For a layer-7 load balancer, you may use:

  1. Nginx reverse Proxy

  2. HAproxy or

  3. Any existing load balancer

For setting up an HA cluster using external load balancer, see High Availability using External Load Balancer


Kube-vip provides Kubernetes clusters with a virtual IP and load balancer for both the control plane (for building a highly-available cluster) and Kubernetes Services of type LoadBalancer without relying on any external hardware or software.High Availability with Kube-VIP


DNS can be configured to point all the traffic of a domain to any of the needed Control-Plane Nodes High Availability with DNS

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