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CX Release Notes 4.5

New in CX 4.5

The following new features have been added to this release.



Multi Channel Handling

Some major issues are fixed now for handling multi channel sessions simultaneously.

Named Agent Transfer

As an agent, you can now transfer the conversation to a specific agent for both Chat and Voice Channels.

Agent SLA

Agent SLA is the time limit in seconds that the agent must respond to a customer’s message received in a certain Queue or List.

Customer Rooms

A Customer Room persists all interactions of a customer. A Room can contain multiple Conversations. There can be multiple Rooms per Customer. There are two types of Rooms in Expertflow CX.


With Auto-answer enabled, a new incoming Conversation request is automatically accepted on the agent. The agent does not need see incoming notification.

Pause a Conversation

Agents can pause / resume an active Conversation to temporarily stop SLA and Inactivity timers. The conversation will resume upon Paused-timer expiry or upon agent request. The Customer may also receive the Pause, Resume notifications. This may be configured using Conversation Studio.

Saving Dashboard Filters

Change the filter in any of the dashboards in AgentDesk is applicable to all dashboards

Summary Dashboards for agents

As an agent, you can view and monitor queues stats on your own dashboards

Cisco Team Sync

It provides sync functionality for syncing Cisco Teams along with the Team’s agent and supervisors into Expertflow CX.

CX 4.5 Release Limitations

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Release Limitations


  • EF CX can be connected to/configured with only one voice(Cisco, FS) platform at any given time.

Customer profile creation with channel data:

  • Anonymous Users Profile Information is tested with Customer Widget, Telegram, 360 WhatsApp, Facebook & Viber 

  • Anonymous Users Profile Information is not tested with Instagram, Twilio WhatsApp and twitter.

Customer Rooms:

  • Customer Rooms have been tested using API endpoints as frontend interface was not available for testing purposes..

Release Test Highlights

Tested Features

  • Multi Channel Handling

  • Cisco Sync Team

  • Named Agent Transfer

  • Hold/Resume Conversation

  • Customer Rooms

  • Agent SLA

  • Auto-Answer

  • Unread Count for Customer Rooms

  • Preview Message for Customer Rooms

  • Summary Dashboards for Agents

  • Saved Filters across AgentDesk Dashboards

Un-Tested Features

  • Twitter

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Planned Bugs

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Issues Opened in this release

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