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HC 3.x vs Expertflow CX - Features Comparison

The main purpose of this document is to highlight features that were available in HC 3.x but not yet added to Expertflow CX. For an overall list of features of Expertflow CX, see Release Notes.

Customer Channels

Channels in 3.x

Expertflow CX


Web Channel


See Web Channel Capabilities for details.



Available In Expertflow CX via Dialog360 and Twilio

Facebook SM


Available In Expertflow CX, see Facebook Social Media Capabilities

Facebook DM


Available in Expertflow CX, see Facebook Direct Message Capabilities



Available in Expertflow CX, see Viber channel capabilities



Twitter Chat is available in Expertflow CX

SMS Via Twilio


Available in Expertflow CX, see SMS via Twilio capabilities



Available in Expertflow CX, see SMS Via SMPP



Available in Expertflow CX, see Telegram capabilities

Web Channel Capabilities

Channel Capabilities in 3.x

Expertflow CX

Plain text




The browser and sound notifications


Hyperlinks (URL)


Structured Messages (Button Messages)


Video Message


Image Message


File Message


System Notifications


Download Transcript


Business Calendar integration




WhatsApp Channel Capabilities

Capabilities in 3.x

Expertflow CX

Plain text




Buttons Message


Video Message


Image Message


File Message


URL Message


Location Message


Audio message


WhatsApp Integration via Twilio


WhatsApp Integration via 360Dialog


Facebook Channel Capabilities

Capabilities in 3.x

Expertflow CX

Plain Text Comment


Reply a Comment


Like a Comment


Hide a Comment


Delete a Comment


View Full Post


Photo Message




Carousel Message


Buttons Message


Video Message


Image Message


File Message


URL Message


Viber Channel Capabilities

Capabilities in 3.x

Expertflow CX

Plain Text




Button Message


Video Message


Image Message


File Message


URL Message


Contact Message


Location Message


Audio Message




Structured Message


Carousel Message


Agent Capabilities

Capabilities in 3.x

Expertflow CX


Log in with local users


Login with Cisco


Agent States 


Global state/ parent state where an agent can only be in Ready or, in Not Ready state



Supported only with Queue Conference



Supported only with Queue Transfer

Whisper Messages to other agents


Ability to send whisper messages only to the conversation participants, i.e. agents who are already added to the conversation

Session Attached Data


Called Channel Session Data in Expertflow CX

Send and receive Emojis


Send and receive files (Images, Videos, Documents, etc.)


Auto response based on bot confidence


In roadmap

Language Translations


RTL, LTR support


View the Participants List in the chat


Hand Raise to Supervisors for help


Excluded. Agents to use consult instead

Wrap up


With standalone wrap-up activities, no wrap-up timer and state is available but is planned in Q3, 2023

Outbound Chat


Available with WhatsApp Template Messages for now



Message Formatting


Knowledge Base Integration


Not decided yet

Supervisor Capabilities

Capabilities in 3.x

Expertflow CX


Active Chats


Called, the "Ongoing Conversation Details" dashboard in Expertflow CX, See Supervisor Controls for more details.

Queue Stats Dashboard


Called, "Summary Dashboard" and "Queued Conversation Detail" in Expertflow CX.

Silent Monitoring/Barge-In


 Available in Expertflow CX. See the Supervisor Controls for more details.

Whisper Messages to Agents


 Send whisper messages to agents who are a part of the conversation

Supervisor Announcements


Available in Expertflow CX. See Supervisor Controls for more details.

Reports Available in Expertflow CX

The specifics of some of the reports may differ from the previous version.

Reports in 3.x

Status in Expertflow CX


Agent Availability


For details, see Reports -> Agent Availability Report

Agent Productivity by Queue


For details, see Reports -> Agent Productivity by Queue

Agent Chat Leg Detail


Also known as, "Agent Task Detail" in Expertflow CX

Chat Volume by Queue


For details, see Reports -> Queue-wise Stats Summary

Chat Volume by Channel


For details, see Reports -> Channel Stats Summary

Chat Volume by Bot


For details, see Reports -> Conversation Volume by Disposition

Agent Productivity by Channel


Will not be available with the current reporting parameters in the newer version. Can discuss the possibilities later on.

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