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Patch Release CX4.4.9

Release Name

CX 4.4.9



Release Date

Release Summary

  • Security Fix in MongoDB

  • Finesse Login

Upgrade Guide

Upgrade guide from 4.4.8 to 4.4.9

New in CX4.4.9

Security Fix in MongoDB

This security fix protects the MongoDB instance with a secured password. All application components connecting to MongoDB can now be connected via a configurable password.

Finesse Login

Agents and supervisors can now login to the Finesse gadget for both NON-SSO and SSO for UCCE integration.

Release Test Highlights

Tested Features

Tested Components with MongoDB Authentication:

  • CIM Customer

  • Team Announcement

  • Unified Admin

  • Customer Channel Manager

  • Conversation Manager

  • Routing Engine

  • Bot Framework

  • State Events Logger

  • Reporting-Connector

  • Historical Reports Manager

Un-Tested Features

  • Customer Reporting has not been tested with MongoDB Authentication.

  • Load testing was not required for this security fixes release

Planned Epics

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Key Status
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Planned Features and Stories

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Planned Bugs

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Issues Opened in this release

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